material tables

Material tables is a round table session format developed by Material Sense for interactive meetings during conferences, special events and fairs.
Target audience
material suppliers, manufacturers, designers, engineers, R & D developers, marketing managers
various locations
Discussions in the round the table sessions will focus on brought along materials, developments, applications, new knowledge, and interesting case studies. Brought in materials, knowledge and practice examples will be shared amongst the participants and discussed in groups. The multi disciplinarily in the team will be made to measure according to the request. The aim of this half a day or one day event is to share expertise on materials development in order to find new market possibilities, new application domains, and tackle challenges for new developments. A few particular questions and cases will be matter of speech in smaller groups, guided by cards made especially for this format. People at the table will meet and engage with materials experts with a different background from the fields of design, research, companies or education and find answers to their questions in an inspiring way.