Mycelium Masterclass
Masterclasses working with Mycelium, living Matter for architecture

Materials Match or Myth?
inhouse training
Target audience
professionals Housing corporations
Spark Innovation Campus, Heijmans, Rosmalen
In th

material moments
Format interactive session for 350 people, duration 1 hour. Developed as Open Plenary of the Materials and Human health Summit for...

tactile materials experience, NCKU (TW)
Format workshop, eight days in four weeks Target audience design students, young entrepreneurs Location Tainan (TW), National Cheng Kung...

the value of materials and making
Format master class, half a day Target audience designers, manufacturing companies, young professionals Location Taipei (TW), FabCafe...

food for connections
Format inhouse training (part of the leadership program for NXP), two evenings Target audience international engineers and managers...

tactile experience
Format one semester course for University of Technology Eindhoven Target audience Bachelor and Master design students Location Eindhoven...

materiality in time and context
Format one semester course for University of Technology Eindhoven Target audience Master design students Location Eindhoven (NL),...

Format one week workshop Target audience design, interior architecture, fashion students - graduates Centro University Location Mexico...

exploring laser cutting
Format master class, 2 days Target audience designers, engineers, scientists Location Lancaster (UK), Imagination Lancaster - Lancaster...